by Osvaldo Quintanilla | Jun 14, 2017 | Drawing
Fés is a city like no other I’ve ever seen. It’s old, really old. The ‘Medina’ is the walled part of the city that dates back to the 9th century. It’s amazing to see buildings still standing as they were from that time hundreds of years...
by Osvaldo Quintanilla | Jun 12, 2017 | Drawing
Started my trip in Morocco and will be sketching as much as I can. Got the bare essentials below. My first sketch is the hotel I stayed in. Seems appropriate to start with this.
by Osvaldo Quintanilla | Mar 13, 2017 | Project
I’m enjoying playing with the science type of theme. It’s an adaptation of the previous illustration, except here I have added more more elements within the canvas.
by Osvaldo Quintanilla | Mar 21, 2016 | Drawing
This week I found inspiration while waiting on my cup of coffee to arrive. I decided to sketch the table stacked with coffee cups and the wall next to looked interesting with all contrasting textures. I really wanted to get the details down in the most efficient way...