Trying out a bit of colour in this sketch. Watercolour isn’t my forte I have to admit, but that’s the very reason I’m trying it out. Practising a new technique in drawing or painting is a challenge I really enjoy. I’ve seen some great sketches using watercolour recently. I love the transparency of the colours. The best results I’ve found is layering the colours down bit by bit. Wash over the the entire section section with a base colour, for example the pear which is at the foreground was my main focus here. I painted a wash of light green and let that dry. I repeated this process with the other pieces of fruit and let it dry. Then I was able to outline the shapes with a fine liner pen to give the whole drawing some shading and form. Finally I went back and added another layer of darker shades to the pear and other fruit. Overall I think I’ll keep trying this technique and see how I can improve it.